picture of Jericho Brown: a black man wearing a yellow t-shirt smiles in front of some daffodils

Poetry Masterclass with Jericho Brown
September 19, 1-2:30pm

picture of Jericho Brown: a black man wearing a yellow t-shirt smiles in front of some daffodils

Hone your craft with Pulitzer Prize–winning poet, Jericho Brown. In the “Jumpstart Your Engines” Poetry Workshop, Jericho Brown helps writers generate new work through a set of unconventional exercises that keep our ears open and our fingers moving. The workshop engenders new ideas about writing, and as there is a profound relationship between reading poetry and writing it, we participants read, discuss, and even recite the work of several poets whose examples might lead us to a further honing of our craft.  As a virtual participant you will engage in writing prompts and exercises at home alongside a panel of students selected to share their work along the way.

Live captioning will be available for this event!

*A note about Rosh Hashanah: We apologize that this event falls on the occasion of the Jewish New Year. The Festival has historically been scheduled in the third week of September for consistency and to avoid overlap with other local events. Every effort will be made in future to avoid overlap with this Holiday. While this event will not be recorded, Jericho’s reading with Ada Limón on Saturday evening will be. Visit that event page to learn how to access the recording. Shanah Tovah! 

About the facilitator: Jericho Brown is the author of three books of poetry. His third collection, The Tradition (Copper Canyon, 2019), won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. His poems have appeared in The Nation, The New Republic, The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Time, and several volumes of the The Best American Poetry anthologies. Brown earned a PhD from the University of Houston, an MFA from the University of New Orleans, and a BA from Dillard University. He is the recipient of the Whiting Writers’ Award and fellowships from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Brown is an associate professor and the director of the Creative Writing program at Emory University in Atlanta. Be sure to check out his Festival headliner reading later this evening!

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2020 Tell It Slant Schedule

Posted in Tell It Slant 2020.