graphic for Tell It Slant Poetry Festival program: Dickinsonian Death-Conscious Exclamation Point

The Dickinsonian [Death-Conscious]
Exclamation Point! A Workshop

Sunday, Sept. 25, 11am ET

Virtual Program

graphic for Tell It Slant Poetry Festival program: Dickinsonian Death-Conscious Exclamation Point

Part of the 2022 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival

Elmore Leonard famously suggested that writers use 1-2 exclamation points per 100,000 words of writing. Theodor Adorno called the exclamation point “intolerable.” Emily Dickinson used around 384 exclamation points in her collected work, and her wielding of this controversial mark has provided an exemplary model of how poets might add a note of ecstasy and death-consciousness into their writing. In this workshop, we will begin by discussing three primary modes in which exclamation points appear in contemporary poetry and then segue into a series of light-hearted and serious writing exercises centered around this piece of punctuation.


About the poet:

Moriel Rothman-Zecher is the author of the novels Sadness Is a White Bird (Atria, 2018) for which he received the National Book Foundation’s ‘5 Under 35’ Honor, and Before All the World, which will be published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux on October 11, 2022. His poetry and essays have been published or are forthcoming in Barrelhouse, Colorado Review, The Common, The New York Times, The Paris Review’s Daily, Zyzzyva and elsewhere, and he is the recipient of two MacDowell Fellowships for Literature, and a Bennington Writing Seminars Donald Hall Scholarship for Poets.

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2022 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival Schedule

Posted in Tell It Slant 2022.