Twice as Bold Campaign

I took my Power in my Hand –
And went against the World –
’Twas not so much as David – had –
But I – was twice as bold –
(excerpt Fr660)

We invite you to be part of the Twice as Bold initiative by making a gift to the Museum in support of its program and core mission, in celebration of the 20th Anniversary, and in honor of Emily Dickinson and her enduring relevance.


The Homestead garden. There are beautiful pink roses wrapping around a trellis.

During the Emily Dickinson Museum’s two-year closure, we opened a new chapter focused on the Museum’s evolving role as a site of unparalleled cultural significance and educational promise emanating from its mission to spark the imagination by amplifying Emily Dickinson’s revolutionary poetic voice from the place she called home. 

To fully realize and sustain this mission, the Museum has created a long range plan that empowers it to serve as the premier center for study, interpretation, creative expression, and celebration of Emily Dickinson’s life and legacy — to be “twice as bold.” Emily Dickinson’s worldwide resonance and the Museum’s tremendous growth in audience during the pandemic, demonstrates a clear path forward.

This new chapter and campaign, called Twice as Bold, prioritizes an expanded, fully restored, and accessible campus, leading-edge educational programs and resources, a singular visitor experience both onsite and online, and increased operational capacity for the Museum’s long-term sustainability. A first step in achieving this bold vision is a goal to raise $8 million for programmatic support and capital projects and $5.5 million in endowment by 2026.

The Emily Dickinson Museum is grateful to John and Elizabeth Armstrong and to Jane and Robert Keiter for leading the way in the Twice as Bold campaign. The Armstrongs’ kick-off challenge gift initiated in 2021 allowed the Museum to begin work on reconstructing The Evergreens’ Carriage House–critical space, first, for welcoming visitors, and ultimately for educational programming. And the Keiters’ endowment of the Museum’s directorship in 2022 has provided perpetual and budget-relieving support of the Museum’s core program and operating budget.

We invite you to be part of the Museum’s journey and the Twice as Bold campaign by making a gift to the Museum in support of its program and core mission support, in celebration of our 20th Anniversary, and in honor of Emily Dickinson and her enduring relevance. Additional funding opportunities are also available. 


$8 Million in Outright Support and $5.5 Million in Endowment

  • Create an expanded, restored, and accessible campus
  • Develop and deliver leading-edge public and educational programs and resources
  • Design and provide a singular visitor experience both onsite and online  
  • Build permanent ongoing support for the Museum’s core programs and operations                                                                                                                                                

Five-Year Funding Needs and Opportunities 

Opportunities abound for donors at all levels to positively impact and help shape the Museum’s bright future. Priority projects and programs in need of investment and support over the next five years are framed by the Museum’s essential mission. Gifts or bequests of unrestricted endowment are most welcome, as they provide critical support to each and all of these areas.


Audience Engagement and Communication $650K
Two children explore Dickinson's bedroomDigital Capacity and Resource Development ($200K)
Virtual Program Hosting and Conferencing Upgrades ($100K)
Website Accessibility and User-Experience Updates ($50K)
New CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) System ($150K)
Graphic Identity / Branding Updates ($150K)

Teaching and Learning (K-12, College/University, Lifelong) $1.25M
Resource Development (curricula, teacher training modules, etc.) ($550K)
Undergraduate Internships and Graduate Fellowships ($275K)
Honoraria for Visiting and Teaching Artists, Writers, Scholars ($190K)
Scholarships for Visiting K-12 Schools and Teacher Training ($95K)
Poets and Writers Workshops and Classes (FY23+) ($140K)


Interpretation and Visitor Experience $800K

image of Youtube pageThematic Tour Development ($330K)
Self-Guided Map and Interactive Guide ($85K)
Orientation Film ($300K)
Wayfinding ($85K)

Public Programs and Events $1.8M
Poetry Programs $540K

Poetry Festival and Marathon  ($315K)
Phosphorescence Contemporary Poetry Series ($135K)
Poetry Discussion Groups ($90K)

Collections, Restoration, Landscape, and History Programs $270K
Dickinson Book Club Series ($90K)
Buildings, Grounds and Collections Presentations ($90K)
Behind the Scenes Collections / Restoration Series ($90K)

Community-Building Events $450K
Birthday Celebration ($30K)
Poetry Walk ($25K)
Reopening Events and Launch of Dickinson Days ($150K)
Tell It Slant Awards / 20th Anniversary Gala ($245K)

Visual and Performing Art Programs $540K
Dickinson in Performance Series ($135K)
Conservatory and Landscape Installations ($270K)
Dickinson in the World Podcast ($135K)

FROM THE PLACE SHE CALLED HOME                         $3.5M

Completion of Homestead Restoration $1.0MRendering of the Dickinson barn
Design Development ($150K)
Construction / Restoration ($700K)
Decorative Arts and Object Conservation ($150K)

Rebuild Evergreens Carriage House $600K
Design Development ($100K)
Construction ($400K)
Furnishings and Fittings ($100K)

Conserve and Restore The Evergreens $1.0M
Interior Conditions Assessment ($50K)
Treatment Plan Development ($100K)
Conservation and Restoration ($700K)
Decorative Arts and Object Conservation ($150K)

Restore Landscape and Dickinson Gardens $400K
Homestead Gardens restoration ($200K)
Evergreens Gardens restoration ($75K)
Other Landscape restoration ($125K)

Collections Stewardship $500K
Collections Rehousing ($400K)
Conservation ($100K)


By providing budget relieving support in perpetuity, endowment gifts in support of core program and operating expenses allow the Museum to sustain and deliver its mission long-term.

Figures are for annual cost over 5 years. Endowment gifts intended to name and/or directly support a specific project or program must cover 60% of associated costs. 

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